Longford Celebrations 200 years
Saturday 1 March 2014
Village Green at Longford

If 2014 is anything like the Gathering in March this year it will be a wonderful day. Come along and support this historical town where the Norfolk Islanders settled in 1813, and where the free and exconvicts descendants settled along the South Esk River over the next 200 years.
One of the historical stalls will feature the names of the 79 convict women who arrived in Hobart in 1841 on the ship Rajah.
I will list the names of these women in the hope that some of their descendants are still in the district or other parts of Tasmania or the mainland.
This list was compiled by Trudy Cowley and Dianne Snowden in their book,
Patchwork Prisoners The Rajah Quilt and the women who made it.
Jane Alcock
Catherine Angus *
Ann Bogle
Ann Brace
Jane Cale *
Jane Chapman *
Mary Clark
Margaret Clarke
Mary Donovan 1st
Charlotte Dundas *
Sarah Esp
Maria Feans
Mary Ford
Georiana Gatehouse *
Mary Girdwood
Sophia Grantham *
Mary Harrington
Elizabeth Hawkins
Ann Headspeth
Betsy Heald
Ann Horne
Jane Houghton
Sarah Hughes
Catherine Hunter
Mary Hutcheson *
Ruth Jackson
Jane Johnson 1st
Jane Johnson 2nd
Mary Johnson
Ann Jones
Mary Joy
Ann Kelly
Mary Ann King
Amelia Laing
Mary Ann Lee *
Catherine Lowry
Mary Lyon
Sarah Maggs
Ellen Marr
Mary Ann Marsh
Christina McLeod *
Margaret Miller
Sarah Morris *
Margaret Neillis *
Janet Paterson
Hannah Perry
Susannah Rawcliffe
Eliza Redman *
Jane Roberts *
Jane Robertson
Janet Robertson
Nancey Robertson
Sarah Rose
Joan Russell
Margaret Scragg
Mary Sim
Elizabeth Slater 1st *
Elizabeth Slater 2nd
Eliza Smith
Mary Ann Smith *
Margaret Speirs
Grace Stevens
Christian Stevenson
Mary Sullivan 2nd
Margaret Sweet
Sarah Taylor 1st *
Sarah Taylor 2nd *
Emily Turner
Surah Turton
Margaret Welsh
Elizabeth Weston *
Sarah Wetherall
Maria Wicks *
Margaret Williams
Margaret Wood
Louisa Woolger
* It is thought that these women may have worked on the Rajah Quilt on the voyage out to Hobart in 1841.
The conduct and indent records plus the 180 women on the Rajah can be found on the following website:
Research Tasmania Patchwork Prisoners and the biographies.
I would like to thank Trudy Cowley and Dianne Snowden for permission to use this list from their book.
If you are or know of anyone who is a descendant of any of these women, please contact me as I would like to write some profiles to present on the day. irene.schaffer@bigpond.com
Longford 200 also has a Facebook, have a look, good fun.
See you at Longford in March. Irene