Nature in its Wildest Form
My latest book.
Nature in its Wildest Form.
A story of the discovery of Wellington Falls on Mt Wellington in the mid 1840s by James Dickinson. Dickinson was a well know wool dealer in England who was tried for stealing wool and sent to VDL in 1842.
While still holding his Ticket of Leave he began his florist business in Hobart. Having heard stories of there being some beautiful falls on the southern side of Mt Wellington he ventured there to see for himself. In the next couple of years he hiked over most of the mounting recording the native plants.
In 1845 he escorted a group of men to the falls and recorded the trip and sent it into the Colonial Times for publication. I have typed these excursions and added them to the book. Coloured photos of the flowers and the many waterfalls that were found on the mountain.
Irene Schaffer
2/5a Marys Hope road
Rosetta 7010
03 62 722124