Land Musters and Stock Lists 1803-1822
Land Musters and Stock Lists
VDL 1803-1822

List of Norfolk Island, Port Dalrymle and Hobart Town 1812 - 1815 pp 79 - 81.
General Musters of Propritors of Land and Stock at Port Dalyrmple, 11- 15 October 1819 pp 148-152. Names of those with land, marriage status, children and stock etc,. living in the district of Port Dalrymple.
Wives of Civil Officers and Free People, Port Dalrymple, 11 - 15 October 1819 pp153 - 154. Showing ages of children, on or off stores.
General Muster of Civil Settlers, Free Men taken at Port Dalrymple, Van diemen's Land, 11 - 15 October 1819. Showing names, ship, when and where tried. Off or on Stores pp157160.
Also showing Musters for Hobart for same period.
See book list.

Exiled Three Times Over
Profiles of Norfolk Islanders Exiled in
Van Diemen's Land 1807-1813

Three weeks after the the arrival of the First Fleet to Botany Bay in January 1788 Lieutenant King and a party of 23 were dispatched by Governor Phillip to Norfolk Island to take possession and establish a settlement there. The number was reduced to 19 when four of the numbers died.
From that small beginning the population grew slowly until the Sirius was wrecked in March 1790 swelling the number overnight to 479. This caused many problems, as there was not a ship available to take the soldiers and sailors back to Port Jackson and food on the island was very scarce.
Although there were roughtly 1,100 persons on Norfolk Island by the end of 1891 the number gradually dropped back to 880 in October 1796.
Over the period 1807-1808 the five evacuations of the settlers to VDL were inforced and in 1808 the residence of Norfolk Island amounted to 255 souls.
A list of those settlers forced to evacuate to vDL was recorded by the Colonial Secretary's Office; the document is almost impossible to decipher and has been typed out and can be seen in Appebdix 1. The ship's manifest recorded the name of the head of each family only, and while this gives an indication of the families who departed does not give the names of the wives and children and it was this reason that we have undertaken to do profiles of all who arrived on the seven ships.
Profiles of each of those on the list plus their wives and families are being compiled under the name of each ship, The Lady Nelson and the Porpoise were completed and appear in this volume. These were the only two ships that were completed owing to the huge amount of time it would have involved to complete the other 5 ships.
see book list.