My latest project is the Girls Guides' Hut on
Mount Wellington.
This hut situtated on the Huon Road just past Fern Tree was erected on the slopes of the mountain in 1934 and was used by the Guide Movement until it was sold in c1955.
I have found out a lot of information on Trove but have not had a lot of luck contacting anyone who knows much about it. This has been made more difficult with most of the Guide Movement's records being lost in a fire in their Guide shop last year.
Fern Tree in the mid 1930s held mostly small farm holders and other property owners. There was a church, hall and shop, but not a great deal more. There were however some large house and lovely gardens owned by people like Dobson, Grant, Hall, Smith, and many more. It was also a very popular place for people to have their shacks and there were many that burnt down in the 1967 bush fires.
There were over the years many huts built on the eastern side of Mt Wellington and those who had built them had happy week-ends there.
The Guide mountain hut was more on the western side of the mountain and would have been a haven for the guiders and guides, who could stay overnight, or for weekends. I think that those that used it the may have been from the mainland as it was advertised for that purpose. It anyone knows of a family member or someone who may have stayed there and may have photos etc. I would love to hear from them.
Girl Guides' Mountain Hut Fern Tree Hobart 1934-1956.
Will be launched in March 2015. $15.00 plus postage.
Bower Hall Fern Tree.
As usually happens! while researching the guide hut I came across another interesting place near the guide hut in Brown's Road. It was called the Bower Hall and from what I have found it was built in the late 1800 or early 1900. It was used for many things, dancing, lodge meetings, card games and polling booths. Again there is little known about this hall - who built it, why was it built in such a small populated area, and when did it stop being a hall.
Both the Guide Hut and the Bower Hall burn down in the 1967 bush fires.
Any information you might have I would love to hear from you. My email address -
Many thanks
Irene Schaffer
5a Marys Hope Road
Fern Tree 7010